James Clear’s Daily Routine 

Focus on small incremental changes

Famed author and productivity expert, renowned for his expertise in the field of habit formation, James gained widespread recognition for his bestselling book Atomic Habits, which put him at the forefront of the field and made him a leading voice in the self-improvement and productivity space.


James typically starts his day early, often between 6:00 – 7:00am emphasizing the importance of a consistent wake-up time to establish a stable circadian rhythm – however notes that feeling sufficiently rested is what’s most important – if you don’t feel rested – back to sleep until you do – within reason! Like many productivity experts, he values the early hours for their quiet and uninterrupted time which usually equals productivity.

He kicks his moring off by drinking a glass of cold water to hydrate and then weighing himself, reccomeding EUFY smart scale. Tracking progress and measuring results is essential for maintaining motivation and accountability which is why he builds weight measurement into his moring routine, its an area of focus for him and weighing oneself in the morning eliminates some of the subjectivity in weight measurment.

Following this,  Clear recommends and getting exposure to light for 15-30mins in order fire up the cyrcadium rythm. James reccomends the Circadian Optics Light Therapy Lamp. The lamp can be used on its own or on your peripheray as you perform subsequent morning activities – journaling, reading etc.

Caffeinate or decaffeinate

James mixes between caffeinated and decaffeinated drink choices. If he’s going to be out for a coffee later he chooses a decaffeinated option first to save on overloading on caffeine.  He finds it harder to get good decaffeinated brews when he’s out so saves that spot for the original thing.

Upgrade your beverages:

Coffee reccomendations:

Decaffeinate option:

  • Four Sigmatic Foods Mushroom Instant Coffee (buy here).


James often emphasizes the importance of journaling as a tool for self-reflection, goal-setting, or personal growth. Here are some methods that James Clear advocates for regarding journaling;

Habit tracking – Journaling can help your awareness around your habits and patterns, both positive and negative. Recording daily behaviors and activities can help identify areas for improvement and make intentional changes.

Gratitude practice and daily focus – Clear encourages incorporating gratitude into your journaling routine. Writing down things you’re grateful for each day can help cultivate a positive mindset and increase overall well-being, before moving into the areas you want to make progress in your life.


      Clear preaches the importance of mindfulness and focused attention for improving productivity, well-being, and overall effectiveness. A great way to improve this is incorporating the practice of meditation. This can help train the mind to be more present and attentive, which can enhance performance in various areas of life.

      Methods include:

      • Breathwork – deep breathing whilst focusing on the breath in silence – such as box breathing
      • General mindfullness meditations

      Clears habit based strategy for beginning a meditation practice:

      • Day 1 –  meditate for 60 seconds.
      • Day 2 – meditate for 70 seconds.
      • Continue this pattern, until you get to an amount of time that satisfies you or is too long to do at once.  E.g. 10 minutes of meditation might feel like a lot. Once you get to this point, break up your sessions into easier blocks.e.g, 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you experience the benefits and the timeframes are comfortable.



      Clear views reading as a powerful tool for growth from personal and professional perspectives. He encourages individuals to make reading a priority, tocultivate a habit of lifelong learning, and actively apply the knowledge gained from books to improve their lives. Clear states – “Regardless of what happens during the rest of the day, I still get my 20 pages each morning.”

      Clears reccomendations for reading:

      • Read ebooks on a kindle Paperwhite – always have books on hand for down times
      • Use a book stand (buy here), this allows you to type notes, summarise and retain key points better whilst reading
      • Read this guide to retain more from the books you read

          To breakfast or not to breakfast

          Clear doesnt eat breakfast as he views intermittent fasting as a habit that individuals can incorporate into their lifestyle to improve their health and well-being. He suggests that fasting can be a powerful tool for managing appetite, improving metabolic health, and increasing mental clarity.

          Clear practices a 16/8 schedule which involves fasting for 16 hous and consuming all your calories in the reamaining 8 hours. See his begginers guide to fasting for more details.

              Deep work

              James often emphasizes the importance of “deep work”. Deep work refers to focused, undistracted periods of concentrated effort aimed at producing high-quality work and achieving meaningful results.

              Tips for effective deep work:

              • Set an objective to accomplish for each bout of deep work
              • Block sufficient time out to accomplish the objective
              • Remove any distractions – ie put your cell phone on airplane mode of disable notifications
              • take breaks every 60 minutes

              It’s important to note that individual approaches to deep work can vary based on you personal preferences, commitments, and lifestyle factors and the elements that work for you. Its the output that is important here, not how we get it.

              Deep work tool reccomendations:


              Clear emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. While he hasn’t provided a detailed workout plan or specific recommendations (outside his daily push up plan), guiding principls are as follows:

              • 45-minute workout sessions (long enough, but not too long)
              • Weights 3x per week (Mon – Wed – Fri)
              • Pick a time that works best for you. Different people perform better at different times in the day.
              • Have your gym easy and accessible to eliminate excuses and keep consisent in your workouts.
              • Takes beet-based pre-workout“Concentrated Beed Crystals: an endurance superfood
              • Track and measure progress. Clear reccomeneds the Fitbit Charge 3 or Garmin vivoactive (more comprehensive)

              The home gym: In order to keep consistency and minimise the “friction” that prevents workouts from happening. I.e. when you are tired, need to travel to the gym, dont have time etc, Clear reccomends creating a home gym. You can start off with the basics and build yours out. Clear reccomends the following items:

              Cardio and HIT


              Deep work

              Deep work bout 2. See bout 1 for the specifics.


              Clear promotes balance and moderation in eating habits. While he values nutritious meals, he also acknowledges the importance of flexibility and enjoying occasional treats or indulgences in moderation.


              Clear promotes balance and moderation in eating habits. While he values nutritious meals, he also acknowledges the importance of flexibility and enjoying occasional treats or indulgences in moderation.

              Evening wind down routine

              Tea time:
              Tims go to tranquilizer is another tea concoction, mixing;

              Spa time:
              Ferriss on bathing before bed:

              “One of my favorite pre-sleep rituals is taking a warm bath. Not only does it relax my muscles and help me to unwind after a long day, but it also has a number of other benefits for sleep and overall health.

              Taking a bath before bed can help to lower your body temperature, which is important for inducing sleep. It can also help to relax the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep.

              I like to add Epsom salts or essential oils to my bath to enhance the relaxation and soothing effects. And I try to avoid screens or other sources of blue light while I’m in the bath, as this can disrupt sleep.

              Overall, I find that taking a bath before bed is a simple but effective way to improve my sleep quality and set myself up for a restful night”.

              Bed time:
              “I’ve experimented with just about every possible variable in my sleep routine, including sleep duration, sleep schedule, and sleep environment. Based on my research and experimentation, I’ve found that the following routine works best for me:

              1. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night – sweet spot of around 8 hours.

              2. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

              3. Create a cool, dark, and quiet environment for sleep, using blackout curtains and a white noise machine.

              4. Avoid screens (e.g., phones, laptops, TVs) for at least an hour before bed, blue light they emit can disrupt sleep.

              5. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals close to bedtime, as they can also disrupt sleep.

              6. Use relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, to wind down before bed”.


              Disclaimer: The routines on this website are provided form informational purposes only and must not be construed as medical or professional guidance. The practices may differ significantly depending on an individual’s unique preferences, objectives, and daily routine. Please be aware that some links to products included in the content are affiliate links. Although not all routines have been explicitly endorsed by the specific individuals, we diligently conduct research to confirm that the information we present is both accurate and current.